Konkani GSB Wedding Traditions and Rituals

Who are Konkani GSB people? Konkani GSB is a community of Gowda Saraswat Brahmins, who predominantly speak the Konkani language. They have their origin from the banks of Saraswathi River, from which they got their name. Konkani GSB people traveled all over Northern and Southern India and settled majorly in Karnataka. Their festivals and poojas are quite different since they are a combination of both the North and South Indian culture. Konkanis are Brahmins, but they eat fish. Konkani GSB matrimony has special attention because of its peculiar rituals and traditions. The famous Bollywood pair of Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh had their wedding in the Konkani GSB matrimony style recently. Let us see some of the beautiful rituals of the Konkani matrimony in this article. Nandi Pooja Nandi Pooja is the start of the Konkani GSB marriage. In this Pooja, the bride and the married women of her family will pray to the gods. Only married women are allowed to attend the Pooj...